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"Rain Rain Go Away Come Again Another Day"

This past week there have been rain and wind warnings for parts of the UK. A man has died after being swept away out to sea in the UK as heavy rain, winds and unseasonably cold weather hit this region. Two other men were taken to a hospital after being washed from a pier by a large wave. This weather is not normal for the UK this time of the year. It is stated that it will feel “unseasonably cold” for the time being. Some forecasters have said that some areas could see more than a month’s rainfall in one day. Train and flight schedules have been disrupted from flooding and heavy rain. It sounds like the UK just needs some sunshine. I’m hoping the weather will let up and become more safe for the people who are living in the parts of the UK that are being affected by this crazy weather. By: Madison Garin  “UK Weather: Man Dies after Being Swept out to Sea.”  BBC News , BBC, 30 Apr. 2018

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